SDLP members in Crotlieve want to reduce the speed limit in certain parts of the area from 30mph to 20mph. To this end they have submitted a motion to Newry and Mourne Council for their support on this issue and are hopeful of getting the unanimous support of their fellow Councillors.
Now while I am all in favour of traffic calming measures in built up areas, or near schools, I feel that a reduction in the speed limit is a ridiculous suggestion. People who tend to break the speed limit will not reduce their speed because the legal limit has changed. Better to install speed ramps in areas of particular concern rather than stick a different number on a pole. Or maybe even encourage the police to take their speed detection equipment to roads that have genuine problems re speed, related to the condition of the road or size of residential area, than what seems to be their current policy of positioning their cameras at the end of a dual carriageway where the speed limit suddenly reduces to 30mph, even though it is possible with care to drive a little faster. It might prove that the PSNI are more interested in road safety than revenue generation from traffic branch.
Karen McKevitt of the SDLP identified Milltown Street in Burren and Ballyholland Road as areas that concerned her. If Road Service are unable to install speed ramps, rather than reduced speed limits, while does her party just not propose a ban on cars in these areas. Maybe she would like to make it compulsory that people only use bicycles on these roads, or better still why not the traditional horse and cart - it would give people the opportunity to car(t) share and its much more environmentally friendly. That Henry Ford has a lot to answer for.
It would appear that this may be a gimmick to show to their local areas that, while they are unable to convince Road Service to put speed prevention measures in these places, at least they are acting on it by getting a few signs changed. The only people who will observe the 20mph speed limit are the same ones who would observe 30mph - the speeders won't change their habits.
And the message to all the speed freaks and boy racers is - a tree never hits an automobile except in self defense.
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