An example to us all

So we have the spectacle of two former bitter rivals, whose previous trenchant positions divided a nation, facing up to the task of working together for the better good of their supporters. They had split because one felt that he was being mistreated and discriminated against by having to endure conditions of a lower standard than the norm. They face the possibility of great success in the next few weeks, or will their commmunity face more disappointment? There is also the possibility of great finances being available from external sources if that success is achieved. Sound familiar.
Well its Sunderland FC where former rivals Roy Keane and Niall Quinn who fell out over Keane's infamous walkout from the Republic of Ireland squad in Saipan during their preparation for the 2002 World Cup.
I must admit that when Niall Quinn promised that, with Sunderland in real danger of facing the possibility of relegation to League 1 after a terrible start to their season, that he was going to appoint a world class manager Roy Keane was not what I expected. But maybe Quinn has a lot of foresight as what Keane has achieved in the short time he has been at Sunderland has been spectacular. They now sit on the brink of a return to the Premiership, in what in my opinion has been a more remarkable turn around than even the events that have occured in the last few weeks here in Northern Ireland. The story caught my eye as I see that local company, Boylesports, have announced a sponsorship deal with Sunderland which could be worth up to £10million over four years.
However I think that John Boyle must have got a little carried away when he stated that he "would see Sunderland as Premiership winners, I would see them as Champions League winners." No matter what success Sunderland are likely to achieve I think that in these days of the financial resources available to clubs like Chelsea that he is dreaming just a little too much. Churchill quotes springs to mind "I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else". Its seems like the bookmaker has finally found the eternal optimism that every punter gets when he places his docket down on the bookie's counter - and we know how most of them end up.
Still at least he can dream....will we be able to say the same of Sinn Fein and the DUP when they take control of our devolved Government?

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