Scumbags Rule OK

As we face into the Easter period, and quickly approach the summer season, we can look forward to the return, in greater numbers, of the scumbags to our streets at night to cause mayhem and destruction. While there will always be an element of trouble in the town it is noticably greater in periods of better weather as the opportunities for all night drinking are much greater on the beach and other areas.
While no one in their right minds would want a return to the "Troubles", and all the suffering that brought to all sides involved, it is without question that incidences of anti-social behaviour were much lower then. As well as a more constant police (and army presence)on the streets of the town, the local mischief makers would also have feared the possibility of receiving punishment beatings at the hands of a paramilitary organisation.
One of the conditions of the ending of the "Troubles" was a cessation of this type of action. But this also removed any fear the scumbags had that they may be held accountable for their actions.
We now have a situation where we have moved from a form of justice that presumed an element of guilty until proven innocent, and handed out immediate justice, to a system under the PSNI (Public Safety - Not Interested) where policing seems to disappear from the streets at night leaving it free for the stone throwers, the drunks, the druggies and the window breakers to do as they will.

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